Posts by admin

Body Count (Part 1)

Body Count (Part 1)

The U.S government (and other countries) use the expression Body Count to update the public on the number of violent...

360,000,000 Minutes of Activity a Year!

360,000,000 Minutes of Activity a Year!

The power of the teachers using the Mileage Club® to help fight youth obesity and help get Americans moving is...

Why does a company with the name of Fitness Finders provide reading, anti-bullying, nutrition, character development programs, accompanying incentives and...

Walking – What Does It Say About You?

Walking – What Does It Say About You?

I have always been fascinated by how people walk – young, old and those in between.  Since we run (excuse...

Feelin Good® Mileage Club® Continues to Make News!

Feelin Good® Mileage Club® Continues to Make News!

Check out how one of our customers is having an impact in St. Louis. Teacher’s Mileage Club Gets Students Moving

Has anything changed since 1996?

Has anything changed since 1996?

Who remembers Luther Terry? In June of 1962, Surgeon General of the U.S. Luther Terry called a group of experts...

How to Build a Skeleton of Healthy Habits

How to Build a Skeleton of Healthy Habits

At Fitness Finders, we develop “programs, services and incentives to help shape America’s future.”  One of the goals we have...

Weight Loss Folly

Weight Loss Folly

One thing that has aggravated me during my 49 year career in physical activity, fitness, nutrition and healthy living study...

Do Bully-Free Zones work?

Do Bully-Free Zones work?

An establishment down the road from my home has a sign at the front entrance announcing that it is a...

School Mileage Clubs Making News

School Mileage Clubs Making News

Here are some links to news articles about schools that are making a difference using our Mileage Club.  See what...